Ada beberapa hal yang dilakukan dalam rangka memenuhi undangan Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Utara Malaysia, Malaysia, yaitu: mendampingi Mahasiswa UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh dalam rangka Mobility Inbound Luar Negeri dan Memberikan kuliah umum kepada civitas akademika dan Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Uatara malayasia.
Pada acara atau kegiatan yang pertama menemui para mahasiswa UIN Ar-Raniry yang sedang melakukan kegiatan disana untuk berdiskusi tentang kegiatan yang sedang mereka lakukan dimana kami menanyakan bahwa beberapa hal, diantaranya adalah tentang keefektifan kegitan ini. Bagi mereka kegiatan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang sangat banyak manfaatnya. Mereka berharap supaya kegiatan akan terus dipertahan dan dilanjutkan pada tahun-tahun berikutnya. Dengan kegiatan ini, menurut mereka, keberadaan perguruan tinggi kita dan khsusnya bagi Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam rangka menuju Universitas Kelas Dunia dan juga mengingat tentang kredibitas keberadaan institusi kita di mata dunia dalam rangka persaingan yang semaking hari semakin meningkat.
Materi yang disampaikan pada stadium general tersebut berjudul: LEARNING BY CONSCIENCE AS NEW PARADIGM IN EDUCATION. Materi disampaikan di depan civitas akademika dan mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Utara Malaysia pada tangga 10 Desember 2018. Isi atau materi dari kuliah umum tersebut, di antara adalah: INTRODUCTION, The fact that many learning paradigms that exist today are mostly founded on traditional cognitive methods in the form of reflective thinking, I felt invited to find other alternative paradigms as new ways to attack unexplored areas of learning. One way that could lead to the construction of a new paradigm for learning is to consider reflective attitudes as a way to arrive at equally strong or even more effective methods by which affective aspects of learning could be accommodated. Thus, this paper attempts to propose -learning by conscience- as a new paradigm in education. The proposed paradigm is founded on reflective attitudes which are predicted to positively affect learning and learners. The paradigm is based on the hermeneutic approach and is derived from various means of investigation such as descriptive, analytic, and eclectic methods. The investigation reveals that open-mindedness, whole-heartedness, and responsibility are the three main components that could form a solid base for the proposed new paradigm of thinking and learning. The investigation also reveals that learning by conscience is projected to occur through impulse, experience, communication, and action.
There are two types of reflective framework often used in education, Reflective thinking and Reflective attitudes. Reflective thinking: revolves around the thinking about a certain subject, content, or problem where a thinker analyzes, estimates, and reconstructs such a thought in the best way possible. Reflective attitudes: tends to lead more to affective aspects. In other words, reflective attitudes prioritize internal aspects such as attitudes that can affect learning and learners internally. However, reflective attitudes, which are the focus of this paper, tend to lead more to affective aspects.
While reflective thinking emphasizes more on cognitive processes which interact with external aspects, reflective attitudes prioritize internal aspects such as attitudes that can affect learning and learners internally. It is based on this distinction that the proposed "learning by conscience in education” paradigm was developed. Therefore, based on such a perspective about learning, the focus of this paper is to discuss this new paradigm.
THE MEANING OF LEARNING BY CONSCIENCE, Since the name of a paradigm usually embeds certain meanings, the learning by conscience paradigm in the content of this paper also consists of three main components: learning, by, and conscience (inner voice/awareness).
Ø  Together they refer to a learning paradigm which invites learners to rely on conscience in fulfilling their desire for learning.
Ø  The paradigm emphasizes the fact that desire for learning should begin from learners’ own awareness and conscience which relate to their moral values. Such an awareness is often reflected in one’s attitudes and behavior.
The paradigm can be also said to consist of a set of moral values which come from external environments, be they from parents or from the society in general, which are then integrated into oneself. This process occurs in conjunction with the development of a learner’s personality as permitted by his or her ability. Central to this process is the affective aspect of learners’ development which targets the development of their attitudes, behavior, awareness, and moral values.
LEARNING BY CONSCIENCE IN THEORY, Although Aronfreed (1968) indicates that the meaning of conscience also refers to both cognitive and affective processes, the learning by conscience paradigm proposed in this paper is based on the kind of conscience that originates only from reflective attitudes, not reflective thinking. The paradigm, thus, requires that the focus of learning be on affective factors only leaving cognitive factors, which relate to thinking processes, outside the scope of this paper.
a.      Furthermore, John Dewey (in Kohlberg, 1995) refers to conscience as an internalization process or awareness, which occurs in an individual related to his or her moral values. Such an internalization process or awareness can be seen as appropriate or not only when it is reflected in someone’s attitudes. This process also relates closely to an individual’s or a learner’s character.
b.     Vygotsky also maintains that the learning process for an individual begins during infancy due to passive needs which then develop further into real desires due to being motivated by other factors through the process of internalization. Eventually, this learner would internalize values, behaviors and attitudes from his or her parents, from those with authority, or from the social environment in which he or she is raised.
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